About Us
Club History .....
The club was formed in 1977 to provide members with hillwalking outings, featuring monthly day meets by coach, as well as three weekend meets each year, which are hostel based. The club membership grew quickly between the late seventies and early eighties, to around 400. In those days we used to fill three coaches each month!
Club membership has fallen over the years, like most other hillwalking clubs, and in recent years it has been stable at around 80. In 2019 we had 90 members, with an average monthly turnout of 40.
What we do .....
Our activities have remained the same over the years, going by coach to a wide variety of hill areas, usually on the first Sunday of the month. We travel up to 100 miles from Perth, depending on the time of year. We cater for members who want a “Challenging” walk, typically Munro and Corbett hills. Also those wanting a “Moderate” walk, which are always on good paths or tracks. We plan four or five walks each month, to suit all abilities. Our Planning Group provide detailed routes for all walks. We run one or two coaches each month, depending on the time of year. Typical areas would be Perthshire and Central Scotland (mainly winter), Cairngorms, Glencoe and Lochaber.
For our Weekend Meets, members travel by car, three times a year, to a wide range of areas. Typically we go further than our monthly walks allow; Kintail, Ullapool, (and further north) and Torridon. Weekends are much less formal, allowing members more flexibility in their walks. We stay in a hostel for two or three nights, and the evenings are always very sociable!
The club organises an annual social evening, allowing members to show their photographs, as well as enjoying some good food together.
Organisation .....
The club is run by a committee of eight, who share a wide range of tasks to ensure the club runs smoothly. We meet monthly before our outings, covering a wide range of agenda items, and finalising the planning for the walks. Obviously our members’ safety is paramount, and we discuss a range of issues, including the latest hill weather forecasts, especially in winter.