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Important information about our Walks ...


Date:  First Sunday of the month (January may vary).  Pick Up Point:  Broxden Park & Ride, Perth

Coach Pick Up Details:

We can have 1 or 2 coaches on monthly walks, depending on walk bookings, and the time of year. If we have 2 coaches in the winter months, from November to March, then the Moderate walkers coach will usually leave Broxden P+R at 08.00. The Challenging walkers coach, and also when we have a single coach, will always leave Broxden at 07.00. However, it's best to always refer to the Walks Table for confirmation of pick up times. 

Cost:  £16 per person


There are usually 4 or 5 walks organised for each monthly outing of varying length and difficulty.  Members are expected to choose walks that are within their own physical capabilities. If this is your first walk with the club please discuss which walk would suit you best with the Membership Secretary, Ron Alcorn via our contact us page before submitting your Guest Walk Booking Form or booking via


Depending on time of year/numbers/area either one or two buses leave Perth each month. By using buses this allows us to be dropped off and picked up at different locations which can allow more unusual approaches to some hills and interesting "through" walks.  ​When possible, we have a refreshment stop at the end of the walks, usually for about half an hour, to rehydrate and catch up on everyone's day.

Depending on numbers wishing to go on a particular walk one or more groups will be put together with a more experienced member in each group to help with navigation if required. Our more experienced members are always very good at sharing their skills with less experienced walkers. You will be informed on the bus who the leader for your walk is that day.

Guidance Notes for New Members and Guests Joining Monthly Walk Coaches:

  • We have a single coach for some outings and 2 coaches for others, and we always leave from Broxden P+R Car Park. (We get picked up at the opposite end of the car park from the terminal building, and we use `white` Docherty’s coaches)

  • The Challenging Walks coach, also if we have a single coach for Challenging & Moderate walks, leaves Broxden at 07.00.  If we have a separate coach for Moderate Walks, it can leave Broxden at 07.00 or 08.00, depending on the time of year. Always check the Walks Table for the appropriate month for details. Members and Guests are advised to be at Broxden by 06.50, or 07.50. We appoint a `Coach Marshal` for each coach, and their names and contact phone numbers will be advised prior to the outing.

  • As a result of the Covid Pandemic, our rules for joining a coach outing have had to change, and we always mail out `Logistics` notes to all members and guests a few days before the outing.

  • Most members wear `clean` walking boots on the outward journey, and bring a change of footwear for the return journey, as we don’t have muddy boots on the coach. (To comply with the coach company rules) Members and guests are advised to bring some dry clothes for the return journey. When time allows, we sometimes have refreshments before the return journey, and we advise if this will be possible before the outing.

  • In winter conditions, members and guests should refer to our `Winter Clothing & Equipment` list on our website. Suitable boots and crampons are always required for Challenging walks, along with an ice axe. 

Guide to Walks:

Munros ~ The list of distinct Scottish peaks of 3000ft (914.4m) and over, of "sufficient separation" from their neighbouring peaks.

Corbetts ~ The list of all peaks in Scotland with a height of 2500ft (762m) or more and less than 3000ft (914.4m) with a drop of at least 500ft (152.4m) between each peak and any higher land.

Challenging Plus:  Often two or more Munros or Corbetts included on walk

Challenging:  Usually takes in two Munros or Corbetts

Less Challenging: Usually takes in at least one Munro or Corbett

Moderate:  Glen or coastal walks occasionally including a Munro or Corbett

Mod/Easy:  Shorter walks with less ascent in the same area as the Moderate walk

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